Application of Content

Leslie Walker - Secondary English

A teacher uses all resources to allow the learner to discover and think on his or her own interests from a minute to large scale and use the content inside the classroom.

This is important in the classroom setting because being able to see the child’s develop their own personal thinking. Once a student masters this skill, they will be able to achieve great heights. 

1.) I think the first assessment would be gathering information from the students like giving them a sheet of questions with a few basic questions like: what are your hobbies? what do you wish you could do? is there anything unique I should know about you? Then after gathering the information, using this to develop a lesson (ex. rainbows) and allow the learner to discover more about their interest. 

2.) A fun way to use the material the students enjoy would be playing bingo based of book report the students did. It includes things they like, facts from the books, and things that are important for them to know (like vocabulary). 

here is a template of the bingo game:(received from–bingo)

3.) When developing new skills, I think it is important to use the senses. I would give examples based on things they could see, smell, touch, taste, and hear from the specific topic taught in class. For example, when reading from Latin American writers, I would bring in traditional food, along with have the students bring in recipes, find music from the specific time period, watch videos on what it would be like living where the writer lived, and bring in artifacts that resemble things from the writer’s hometown.