
Leslie Walker - Secondary English

A teacher sees a learner for who they are and develop a variety of assessments to study the progression of the of the learner’s understanding and their own personal one.

Assessment plays a key role in teaching. The work given will help the student improve on their personal learning skills, both inside and outside the classroom. By pushing them out of their comfort zone with material, they will be thankful for it in the end. 

1.) By engaging the students, I would find a baseline quiz and keep it on file. Later, test randomly again, to see the progression. Finally, they will take the last one to show them the how much they have changed. This most likely would be given as extra credit, but it is vital to understanding the child.

Here is an example of students taking the baseline quiz (received from

2.) I will create portfolios to see how the student’s first paper was constructed and compare it to their last. This show the growth of their skills over the course of the year. 

Here is what I would like my set up of the portfolios to be:
(received from

3.) I would let the students teach a lesson (ex. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle). The students would receive a basic lesson plan guideline and recap the material that will be needed to understand for the test.  This will show how prepared they are and how much they comprehend.