Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

Leslie Walker - Secondary English

A teacher uses their surrounds as a tool to help look at choices they have made; they also seek out others to seek guidance. With the continuing of their own learning, they are able to reevaluate the need/wants of their learner.

By continuing the education of oneself, it shows how much compassion the person has for their profession. They are able to make better choices for the future, and they are more likely to continue to keep pushing for own self improvement — whether it be inside the classroom or not. 

1.) I will attend as many teaching conferences as possible. There are always new and exciting things that I should be bringing into a classroom experience, so these conferences are a perfect way for myself to continue my own learning to help my students succeed in their own.

2.) When new technology comes out, find ways to incorporate it into the classroom. (ex. drones). I will do my own research and incorporate it into my teaching style. Everyday, something new comes out, and children are most likely to understand it better than an adult. I will also learn how to use these technologies from my students. Their skills and knowledge from the new technology will help me redesign my classroom to grow with the times.

3.) I will try to include as many positive quotes/readings in my work as possible. For example, I will make my students read Law of the Garbage Truck. It is a way for everyone to let loose of the things that are tying them down. I will be doing the same material from the book with them, so it is almost like we are tag-teaming to find new success in the classroom.

I read this book in high school, and it really impacted my way of thinking. I think it would be a great idea to work into the classroom. It lets the student guide themselves in the path they want to take, and my teacher did the prompts from the book with us. It connects the students to the teachers and vice versa. (received from )